Results of our Christmas crypto giveaway

Michala Gregorová, Miton

Michala Gregorová

22. 12. 2021
what’s new in Miton

There are many ways to say thanks for a successful year. The team behind Miton C, our fund focussed on crypto and web3, decided to celebrate success by giving away 8 million Czech crowns. To figure out how to manage the giveaway, the team followed principles that define web3.

  • Each member of the Miton C team was able to nominate organizations close to their heart.
  • Members came together at a team dinner to make a personal case for each organization they had nominated. 
  • The team then used quadratic voting to choose which organizations to support and at what level. 
Kolik klasů, tolik hlasů

A few words about the quadratic voting method: Instead of a simple yes/no, quadratic voting (explanation here) allows you to indicate the strength of your preference for various options.  

This is how we used the method: 

  • Each person got 100 credits, which they could freely distribute among 20 nominated organizations.
  • In a quadratic voting scheme, if you give 3 votes, you use up 9 credits. If you give 9 votes, you use up 81 credits. (This means that giving all votes to one organization was not very advantageous.)
  • You can also give negative votes, but you use up credits the same way as when you vote positively.
  • We used this tool for the voting process. We suggest you give it a try, because on paper it sounds complicated. It’s good to try it a couple of times so you get a feel for how the model works.

As you can see from the results, quadratic voting helped us to ensure that not one organization received most of the funds, and to distribute the available funds fairly evenly. 

Darované částky

And now to the most important part: the organizations we want to thank with our gift. All of the organizations do fantastic work, and their variety reflects the diversity of the people who were gathered at the voting table. It is our honor to be able to help in their mission in a small way. 

Foundation for Independent Journalism

Support for free, quality journalism resonated around the voting table. We live in a time of disinformation and click-bait newsfeeds, and even in crypto we can see what a key asset attention has become


While Psyon (one of our portfolio projects) negotiates agreements with health insurance companies, it is important that ketamine-assisted therapy be available to as many patients suffering from depression as possible.

Karolína Presová’s team is doing fantastic work in the area of children’s relationship with digital technology. Their approach, which is groundbreaking even outside the European context, has already touched thousands of school children as well as their teachers and parents. 


Dedicated to assisting adults and children who have been affected by domestic violence, Spondea also offers help to those who want to take control of their own aggression. The organization provides training and educational outreach to children and the general public. 

Czech Hospital of St. Charles Lwanga in Uganda

A project of Caritas Czech Republic, the Czech hospital of St. Charles Lwanga was built in 2006 to provide healthcare to the rural poor of the Buikwe District in Uganda. 

The Willow Foundation

The Willow Foundation provides practical support to widowed mothers, fathers and their children. Anyone can support the work of the foundation through the Donio platform.


There is a lot happening in Czechia in the area of psychedelics research. This requires significant resources, and that’s where Psyres – a foundation for research into psychedelics – comes in.  


The goal of Eduzměna is to support systemic change in the way that children are educated in the Czech Republic. Through collective effort, know-how, financial resources, and the power of its name, the organization aims for comprehensive social change. 

Advocacy Forum

Established by the Open Society Fund, the Advocacy Forum supports civil society groups and individuals to advocate for issues of public interest effectively and professionally. is a Czecho-Slovak Ethereum and DeFi community aiming to promote public awareness of independent finances and their practical use in decentralized applications. The conference ETHBrno helped to bring two new members to Miton C.

Hospital Motol

The hospital’s vision for the future is to become the flagship of Czech healthcare in both general as well as specialist care. Although Miton C’s contribution in this area is merely symbolic, we thought it important to provide some support to the Czech healthcare system and its workers. 

Outward Bound Czech Republic

Czechia’s Outward Bound offers experiential learning opportunities for students and adults. Imagine a summer camp for grown-ups where you’ll be challenged to learn a lot about yourself. 

Crypto Girls

Holky v kryptu exists because web3 (just as many other fields) needs more women, more diversity and a broader range of life experience.

Institute of Circular Economy

Have you heard about recommerce? INCIEN was established in 2015 with the goal of raising understanding of the circular economy across Czechia, and promoting it in practice. 

Děvčata do krypta

Foundation for the Development of Civil Society

The foundation’s core mission is to support civil society organizations. NROS support includes financial assistance, connecting and aligning interests, and providing educational and advisory services to civil society organizations and actors. 

People in Need

The most prominent humanitarian organization in Czechia, People in Need provides immediate humanitarian support as well as longterm development assistance, both in Czechia as well as abroad. 

Good Angel

The organization aims to provide monthly financial assistance to families affected by illness by encouraging individual donors – Good Angels – to support families who have found themselves in difficult circumstances due to serious illness. 

Centre for Children with Hearing Impairment Tamtam

We cordially greet the University of Economics, where the nomination came from, when David from Miton C lectured on DAOs. David promised the students that we would send them 1000 dollars, but in the end it will be more.

The Slovak Project Hope uses a game to battle against polarization in society, a highly poignant topic of our contemporary world. 

P.S. We already know what could be done better and we look forward to the next year, when we’ll come together again. Maybe see you there? Join the Circus!

Zdroje obrázků: Title -, Kolik klasů, tolik hlasů - Víkend HN, Děvčata do krypta - Národní muzeum


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